

The useMediaQuery hook is a React hook that provides information about the device type and dimensions based on the screen size.

API Reference

A custom React hook that returns an object containing information about the device type and dimensions.

useMediaQuery(): {
  device: "mobile" | "tablet" | "desktop" | null;
  width: number | null;
  height: number | null;

Return Value

devicestringRepresents the type of device ("mobile", "tablet", "desktop", or null if undetermined).
widthnumberWidth of the window.
heightnumberHeight of the window.
isMobilebooleanBoolean indicating if the device is a mobile device (true or false).
isTabletbooleanBoolean indicating if the device is a tablet (true or false).
isDesktopbooleanBoolean indicating if the device is a desktop (true or false).


import useMediaQuery from "@/hooks/use-media-query";
function Component() {
  const { device, width, height } = useMediaQuery();
  return (
      <p>Device: {device}</p>
      <p>Width: {width}px</p>
      <p>Height: {height}px</p>